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The biggest cryptocurrency exchange in Czechia

Exchanging cryptocurrencies since 2013.
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42000 +

clients since 2013

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6090000 EUR

90 day volume

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Exchanges in the last 90 days

Simple and safe cryptocurrency trade

In only takes a minute to create an order. And once the funds are credited to our account, we will manually verify the transaction and send you the cryptocurrency within 30 minutes on average.

Real people, real customer support

Need advice on exchanging cryptocurrencies? You can always write, call or send us a ticket. We handle most requests promptly.

Biggest and oldest exchange in Czechia

We have been exchanging cryptocurrencies since 2013. We have exchanged cryptocurrencies for more than 21 thousand people with a total value of over 8 billion CZK. We are one of the founding members of ČKMA.

Real people, real customer support

Need help with exchanging cryptocurrencies or using the Trezor hardware wallet? Contact us anytime via email, phone, or visit our client center for personalized assistance.

customer support

How does it work?


It only takes a minute to place an order. Up to 200 € / 10 days, all we need is your email and cryptocurrency wallet address. From higher amounts you will need to register and get verified.


Once your order is complete, we will provide you with payment instructions.

Receive cryptocurrency

Upon receiving of your payment, we will send the cryptocurrency to your wallet. We can usually do it within 30 minutes!

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Last transactions

300000.00 CZK
0.1264903 BTC
a month ago
31500.00 CZK
0.0131894 BTC
a month ago
0.0170000 BTC
1547.50 EUR
a month ago
2998.68 CZK
0.0012445 BTC
a month ago
10000.00 CZK
0.0041734 BTC
a month ago
2.7810 ETH
6896.79 EUR
a month ago
10000.00 CZK
1561.43 DOGE
a month ago


Simplecoin is a nice and easy way to buy Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in the Czech Republic. If you want to make a purchase instantly from your computer or mobile, you can do it with them almost immediately and, most importantly, securely. Finally, I’m glad that we can work together beyond online and that we see each other regularly at the ChainCamp conference where they help us educate the general public.

Martin Kuchař
Martin Kuchař ChainCamp

Wrote about us

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